- What patulin effect is good? ? 什么感冒药效果好??
- Caught a cold, what patulin effect to take best? 感冒了,吃什么感冒药效果最好?
- The system has a tryout in Lasa city, and the effect is good. 在拉萨市的试用结果表明,其运行效果较好。
- The use of ISIS software simulation, the effect is good. 利用ISIS实现软件仿真,效果还是不错的。
- The experiment results indic ate the effect is good. 小波变换[1]是传统傅立叶变换的继承和发展。
- What patulin does the cold eat is negative effect little? 感冒吃什么感冒药负作用小?
- Caught a cold what to patulin effect take best? 感冒了吃什么感冒药效果最好?
- Because hot conductibility is extremely low, adiabatic effect is good. 由于热传导性极低,绝热效果好。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- What punch craft produces is moistureproof guide water board the figure of every grain is same, build fit together perfectly can be accomplished when receiving, waterproof effect is good. 冲压工艺生产的防潮导水板每个颗粒的外形都相同,搭接时可以做到严丝合缝,防水效果好。
- How to prevent a cold? What patulin side-effect is inferior? 怎么样预防感冒啊?什么感冒药副作用相较低啊?
- The result of field operation shows, the equipment is used widely, the measuring is accurate, and the effect is good. 现场运行结果表明,该试验装置通用性较强、测试准确性较高、效果良好。
- To low drawing in flange part,the blank holder can be used as punch,and the effect is good. 对于凸缘部位的浅拉深,采用压边圈兼作浅拉深凸模的作用,取得较好的效果。
- And the simulation results prove that the longitudinal BDC can make aircraft land automatically and the effect is good. 仿真结果表明,该控制器能够控制飞机自动着陆,跟踪性能良好。
- Moreover the outstanding roentgen sound likely is a kind of musical instrument, the effect is good. 而且杰伦的声音就像是种乐器,效果非常好。
- None but the best is good enough for my child. 只有最好的才配得上我的孩子。
- Because internal heat got a cold greatly, should eat what patulin! 由于火气大得了感冒,应该吃哪些感冒药啊!
- At the present time, and the device has been used in the test of MIM, the effect is good. 此设备已投入金属注射成形实验中,效果良好。
- Caught a cold, what patulin to eat excuse me the most effective? 感冒了,请问吃什么感冒药最有效?
- Did summer catch a cold what patulin is the most effective? ? 夏天感冒了什么感冒药最有效??